A powerful, fully integrated and customizable management solution to manage your HRSA and other grant programs.

Strengths of the Compliatric for PCAs and NTTPs Platform


Make the system work the way you want to work. Customize fields, page layouts, workflows, email notifications, escalations and approval processes.


Compliatric’s security infrastructure has world-class physical, administrative, and technical security safeguards.


Compliatric is as reliable as cloud computing can be (99.5+% uptime) with daily service uptime quality metrics via an accessible website.

our services

Administrative Tools
A plethora of managerial tools are at your disposal, including a powerful Policy & Forms Library, a full Learning Management System, Vendor & Agreement Management, Automated GSA/OIG Exclusion Monitoring, Meeting Management, and Equipment Tracking, along with advanced Dashboards and Reporting tools for the entire platform.
Grant Management
Track grants both prospectively and following an award. Track all grant policies, sub-recipients, staff, agreements, equipment, expenses, goals / objectives and time and effort reporting.. Relate workplan activities to one or more grants.
Work Plan Management
Manage all of your program work plans in a central management system. All data elements from T/TA sessions (sessions, participants, and survey scores) roll up to work plan activities, objectives and goals for summary progress reporting.
Member Relationship Management
Track all member CHC organizations and interactions (emails, calls, text messages) with their staff. Update your membership data from webinars automatically. Mass email with pre-built templates or SMS text message members for effective contact management.
T/TA Session Tracking
Create different Training and Technical Assistance Sessions (Webinar, Peer Group, Live Event, etc.) and invite targeted audiences of member organization staff. Integrate with Zoom and GoToMeeting to capture participant information and combine with Surveys for satisfaction and behavior change score gathering.
Time & Effort Reporting
Track all of your staff’s time and effort activities when provisioning member services or providing activities related to grants, work plan activities, T/TA sessions, and numerous other records (including relating the same T&E to multiple records of the same type).

For more information about our services and how we can help you get started today!

pca monitor

The Administrative System You’ve Always Wanted!

Stop running your organization from a spreadsheet or disjointed application frameworks!  Give your PCA / NTTP real administrative infrastructure with our first of its kind, entirely integrated system (designed from the ground up) which fills the voids that siloed, off the shelf products cannot accommodate. Purchasing these systems individually is cost prohibitive, both in licensing and installation, not to mention continued maintenance. Our fully customizable list of Modules include:



• Grant Management • Program Workplans
• Work Plan Activities • T/TA Session Management
• Webinar Management • Surveys
• Time and Effort Reporting • ROI Calculations
• PCA OSV – Coming Soon • Member & People Management
• Mass Emailing & SMS Texing • Equipment Management
• Vendor & Agreement Management • Policy and Forms Library
• Staff Intranet with Collaboration • Employee Training
• Corporate and HIPAA Compliance • Staff Management
• Document Management • Corporate and HIPAA Compliance
• Meeting Management • Dashboards and Reporting

Working with Compliatric

Compliatric is the leading provider of compliance technology solutions for your Community Health Center Members, with unsurpassed value that is 3x less costly than the combination of comparable solutions. 

PCAs have the ability to provide training and support services to their members through Compliatric to demonstrate deeper understanding of their members’ needs, ensure they are successful, and give measurable value. 

Partnering with Compliatric in educational and/or other service offerings can ensure mutual benefit for both your organization and your members.

Hear what one Health Center says about Compliatric

Contact Us

To set up a demo or learn more about our services.